Dionaea muscipula, commonly known as the Venus flytrap, is a fascinating carnivorous plant native to the coastal regions of North and South Carolina in the United States. The Venus flytrap's most striking feature lies in its extraordinary ability to capture and digest insects. Its specialized leaves, known as traps, are equipped with sensitive hairs that, when they sense movement, cause the trap to snap shut quickly, entrapping unsuspecting prey. This feature makes Dionaea muscipula a fascinating addition to any plant collection.
In terms of plant care, the Venus flytrap requires specific attention in order to thrive. It thrives in a humid environment and requires the use of distilled water or rainwater. In addition, sufficient sunlight is essential for growth. The Venus flytrap prefers nutrient-poor soil. In terms of nutrition, although the plant can catch its own prey, supplemental feeding with small insects such as fruit flies can help it grow and develop. The right balance of moisture, light, and appropriate nutrition is the key to successful Dionaea muscipula care.
The plants are delivered with a height of 5 to 10cm (measured incl. pot). The plants are delivered in pots with a diameter of 5.5cm.
Muchołówka amerykańska, Venusfliegenfalle, Fluefanger, Venus flugfälla, Vénus attrape-mouches, Venus flytrap, Planta carnivoră, Mucholapka podivná, Atrapamoscas de Venus, Venus flycatcher, Armadilha de Venus, Venere acchiappa mosche, Mucholapka, Jautrusis musėkautas, Дионея мухоловка
In terms of plant care, the Venus flytrap requires specific attention in order to thrive. It thrives in a humid environment and requires the use of distilled water or rainwater. In addition, sufficient sunlight is essential for growth. The Venus flytrap prefers nutrient-poor soil. In terms of nutrition, although the plant can catch its own prey, supplemental feeding with small insects such as fruit flies can help it grow and develop. The right balance of moisture, light, and appropriate nutrition is the key to successful Dionaea muscipula care.
The plants are delivered with a height of 5 to 10cm (measured incl. pot). The plants are delivered in pots with a diameter of 5.5cm.
Muchołówka amerykańska, Venusfliegenfalle, Fluefanger, Venus flugfälla, Vénus attrape-mouches, Venus flytrap, Planta carnivoră, Mucholapka podivná, Atrapamoscas de Venus, Venus flycatcher, Armadilha de Venus, Venere acchiappa mosche, Mucholapka, Jautrusis musėkautas, Дионея мухоловка